1880 Census
Massachusetts, Bristol County
Easton Alms House
**See Below for Column Explanations:
Page No. 32
Supervisor's Dist. No. 60
Enumeration Dist. No. 82
SCHEDULE 1. - Inhabitants in Easton, in the County of Bristol, State of Massachusetts
enumerated by me, on the 12th day of June 1880. Wm C. Haward Enumerator
Stamped Page # D
L | S | H | D | F |
Name of Person in Household
Description | R | Civil Condition | Occupation | U | Health | B | D | I | In | M | S | R | W | BP | FBP | MBP | ||||||
Color | Sex | Age | M | S | M | / or D | M | |||||||||||||||||||||
a | b | 1 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | ||
10 | 338 | 369 | WADE,Charles T. | W | M | 59 | / | Warden | Mass | Mass | Mass | |||||||||||||||||
11 | WADE, Samantha | W | F | 58 | Wife | / | Matron | Mass | Mass | Mass | ||||||||||||||||||
12 | WILSON, Daniel | W | M | 31 | Servant | / | Laborer | Canada | Canada | Canada | ||||||||||||||||||
13 | WATTS, Charles E. | W | M | 25 | Servant | / | Laborer | Mass | Mass | Mass | ||||||||||||||||||
14 | MURPHY, Joanna | W | F | 25 | Servant | / | Domestic Servant | Ireland | Ireland | Ireland | ||||||||||||||||||
15 | QUIMLEY, Geo. W | W | M | 74 | Inmate | / | Laborer | C | / | / | Mass | Mass | Mass | |||||||||||||||
16 | BONNEY, Susan | W | F | 69 | Inmate | / | None | Feeble | Mass | Mass | Mass | |||||||||||||||||
17 | DRAKE, Asa | W | M | 65 | Inmate | / | Laborer | C | / | / | Mass | Mass | Mass | |||||||||||||||
18 | NELSON, Peter | W | M | 63 | Inmate | / | Was Shoemaker | Consumptiom | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | |||||||||||||||||
19 | NELSON, Lavina | W | F | 49 | Inmate | / | Does house work | Mass | Mass | Mass | ||||||||||||||||||
20 | NELSON, [Melena] | W | F | 12 | Inmate | / | At School | / | Mass | Unknown | Mass | |||||||||||||||||
21 | NELSON, Wm | W | M | 11 | Inmate | / | At School | / | Mass | Unknown | Mass | |||||||||||||||||
22 | NELSON, Jeneva | W | F | 9 | Inmate | / | / | Mass | Unknown | Mass | ||||||||||||||||||
23 | NELSON, Francis | W | F | 8 | Inmate | / | / | Mass | Unknown | Mass | ||||||||||||||||||
24 | KELLY, Mary | W | F | 36 | Inmate | / | Does House work | Mass | Mass | Mass | ||||||||||||||||||
25 | KELLY, Hattie | W | F | 10 | Inmate | / | At school | / | Mass | Mass | Mass | |||||||||||||||||
26 | KELLY, Mabel | W | F | 3 | Inmate | / | Mass | Mass | Mass | |||||||||||||||||||
27 | RANDALL, Chas M. | W | M | 47 | Inmate | / | / | / | Mass | Mass | Mass | |||||||||||||||||
28 | WILLIAMS, C. [Frank] | W | M | 49 | Inmate | / | Labrer | / | / | Mass | Mass | Mass | ||||||||||||||||
29 | FRYE, Alma | W | F | 32 | Inmate | / | House work | Mass | Mass | Mass | ||||||||||||||||||
30 | DICKERMAN, Clarence | W | M | 6 | Inmate | / | / | Mass | Mass | Mass | ||||||||||||||||||
31 | FRENCH, Hiram | W | M | 76 | Inmate | / | Was Shoemaker | Feeble | C | Mass | Mass | Mass | ||||||||||||||||
32 | JACKSON, John E. | W | M | 17 | Inmate | / | At school | / | / | / | Mass | Mass | Mass | |||||||||||||||
33 | ADAMS, [James] | W | M | 77 | Inmate | / | Clock Cleaner | Feeble | C | Mass | Mass | Mass | ||||||||||||||||
34 | HOLMES, Wm S. | W | M | 57 | Inmate | / | None | / | C | Mass | Mass | Mass | ||||||||||||||||
35 | ALLEN, Rebecca | W | F | 79 | Inmate | / | None | / | Mass | Mass | Mass | |||||||||||||||||
36 | COPELAND, [Lidorana] | W | F | 78 | Boarder | / | None | Mass | Mass | Mass | ||||||||||||||||||
37 | [ CREEDON ], Timothy | W | M | 60 | Boarder | / | Laborer | Ireland | Ireland | Ireland | ||||||||||||||||||
Note A | The Census Year begins June 1, 1879, and ends May 31, 1880 |
Note B | All persons will be included in the Enumeration who were living on the 1st day of June, 1880. No others will. Children BORN SINCE June 1, 1880, will be OMITTED. Members of families who have DIED SINCE June 1, 1880 will be INCLUDED |
Note C | Questions Nos. 13, 14, 22, and 23 are not to be asked in respect to persons under 10 years of age. |
Note D | In making entries in columns 9, 10, 11, 12, 16 - 23 an affirmative only mark will be used - thus /, except in the case of divorced person, column 11, when the letter "D" is to be used. |
Note E | Question No. 12 will only be asked in cases where an affirmative answer has been given either to question 10 or 11. |
Note F | Question No. 14 will only be asked in cases when a gainful occupation has been reported in column 13 |
Note G | In column 7 an abbreviation to the name of a month may be used, as Jan., Apr., Dec. |
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